Friday, October 28, 2011

Camera Phone Friday - Seen Along the Road

Many moons ago, I got in the habit of posting my camera phone pictures on Friday - it was an easy was to end the week. I'm not sure why I got away from the practice, but I think it's time to start up again. Because I'm having a ton of fun with my new iPhone 4s camera.

My self imposed "rules":
The picture must be taken by a camera phone (duh)
The photo must have been taken in the past week
I can edit the photo using various photo apps on my phone. No importing to the PC for post processing. (trying to keep things simple).

This week's selections - stuff I see during my everyday commute to and from work / school, etc.

You might think driving along the prairie is boring. But for some reason, it was really pretty this week.

Bringing in the Harvest
Bring in the #Harvest iphone instagram

The Start of Another Indian Summer Day
Good Morning - Another Indian Summer Day

We had rain Wednesday night into Thursday morning. But Thursday afternoon, the skies started to clear.
Afternoon #prairie Scene
I love the white barn in the picture above. I take its picture often.

This morning, I was running late to work (the kids didn't have school, so I ended up dawdling around the house for too long). I was just leaving the subdivision, but stopped, parked the car and got out to capture the fog creeping along the slough that runs through our neighborhood.
Morning #mist #lateforwork #stoppedtotakeapicture

Another shot of the white barn, this time in the morning as the sun was rising.
My Favorite #Barn on my #commute #prairie

I post most of my photos through Instagram, but I also use the Camera+ and PhotoShop Express apps to process them before uploading. I love that I can share them easily.

Do you take a lot of pictures with your phone? If so, I'd love to see them!


  1. these are great shots. i love taking photos with my iphone. if you post yours on fridays, you might like this link up--

    it's not my blog, but i link up there sometimes.

  2. I like the rules and I like the photos. The misty purply one is especially good.

  3. These are gorgeous! I really should try to remember to use my camera more often!

  4. Love these and what a great idea doing a regular post with them. Since I got my smartphone I've been taking more and more with it instead of my regular camera. Perhaps time to do something similar at my blog and have a regular post of them. Thanks for the idea.
