Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Self Portraits - A Little Catch Up

I admit, I fell behind with the Self Portraits challenge that Kyla started.

OK, it was a Sunrise and Self Portrait Challenge. I have since dropped the Sunrise portion - mornings are just too hectic around here.

I've played a little "catch up" with the self portraits.

A clearer version of the reflected self portrait - the only one taken with my big camera, on 9/6/11:

Singing in the car (something I try to do every day), 9/7/11:
Sing a Song

Yesterday morning, 9/13/11:
Self Portrait 9/13/11

This morning, 9/14/11, after my morning workout. I'm using my laptop screen as a lightbox - a first for me. Otherwise, it was dark in the room and you can't see the sweat on my brow.
Early Morning SP

The week gap? I caught a cold at the end of last week and just didn't feel like taking any pictures. I thought about going to a weekly schedule, but then was inspired to start back up.

We'll see how long I can maintain this new burst of self portrait energy......

And we (Kyla, Puna and I) would love for you to join us. Really, it's not too bad once you get used to rejecting most of the pictures you take. At least I'm getting proficient with hitting the shutter button on my iPhone without looking.

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