Friday, September 9, 2011

Morning Photo Shoot

Since I'm doing this photo challenge where I take a picture of the sunrise every day this month, I've been on the lookout for anything compelling in the wee hours, before the mayhem of getting the kids to school.
This particular morning, the sun had already risen, and I caught a glint of gold while getting my morning coffee ready - the sun starting to shine on my neighbor's patio.
I headed out with my camera and quickly snapped this shot:
Morning One
I liked the golden sun and the pots on the right, but I could see the garden hoses on the far right of the frame.

I decided to try a vertical shot next (it's good practice to capture both orientations when you get the chance), to emphasize the sun's rays coming from the sky.
Morning Three
The hoses are gone, but I'm not sure if I like the composition and focal point (or lack of focal point).

I decided to zoom in more and focus on the green pot on the right:
Morning Four

If I had more time, I would have tried a different angle to eliminate the landscape lights - I find them a bit distracting. Or, if this was my patio, I would have removed them temporarily (but it's not my patio - and I had already spent time lurking around my neighbor's backyard - so the lights stay in).

This is just one example of how I capture a scene - shooting multiple perspectives and adjusting as I go aong.


  1. What a beautiful patio and so great to have a subject of this photography experiment! Morning light is my favorite. Unfortunately it's been raining non-stop. Bummer. No light this morning.

  2. I love how the light glows through the drapery of leaves. Beautiful, Shirley :)

  3. They're all beautiful. The light is exquisite. Have a great weekend.

  4. Beautiful light! I have to giggle at the idea of you lurking around your neighbor's yard. hehe
