Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Crazy Day - Cow Chip Classic

After leaving the house this morning at 7:30am, we arrived back home at 8:30pm. It's been a long day.

We drove out to the country to watch the cross country meet, aka, the Cow Chip Classic.

Why is it called that? Because the runners run in a field where cows normally graze. And you know where cows graze, they also poop, leaving those cow chips.

Fortunately, the cows haven't been out there recently. The only cow chips we saw were pretty dried up. We still avoided them.

I didn't take any pictures of said cow chips. Although I thought about it.

I took pictures with my big camera, but it's running late, and I'm needed to help with homework. So we have iPhone pictures instead.

Of runners:
Cow Chip Classic Cross Country #running

And my reflected, hazy self portrait:
Reflected #selfportrait

Have a great evening!

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