Thursday, September 15, 2011

After The Rain

It rained yesterday. A good, earth soaking rain.

With our lack of rain during the summer, this would normally be a good thing. The lawn and plants certainly enjoyed the gentle rain that lasted for several hours.

But I couldn't enjoy it. I was worrying. Worrying because I realized the cat (Sam, the Siamese) escaped the house sometime this morning, probably in between shuttle service to school. We searched the entire house before coming to this conclusion. Then we set forth searching for him in the cold drizzle.


Four hours later, the rain stopped. A rainbow appeared. I didn't take a picture because I was roaming the streets, calling for the cat.

And he showed up at home.

Hungry and damp.

None worse for the wear, although he seems droopier than normal. And wants to snuggle. Oh wait, maybe we want to snuggle with him.

Then I noticed the beautiful sky, the sun having already dipped below the horizon.

I need not worry, the sky seemed to call out.


I need to remind myself that more often.

Evening Flight

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