Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Scenes from the Road

We're back at home now, after logging 2,000 miles on the Tahoe. I find when we're on the road, I prefer taking pictures with my iPhone. Especially when we are going places we've been to before - like our trip last week, back East to visit family.

There's always interesting things to shoot while "on the road" and I thought I'd share some today.

Some of the Upstate NY country side:
Countryside Twin Tower

At a toll booth on the NY Thruway. This poodle was just too cute not to capture.
Catching Some Rays

The end of a downpour in Ohio, south of Akron:
Clear Skies Ahead

Dessert at the Cheesecake Factory (thank goodness there isn't one of these in our town - I think I gained a pound just checking out the assortment of cheesecakes):
Dessert Later On

A retro looking bike for sale at this bike shop called "roll:". I wonder if any of our cats would ride in that basket.
Old Fashioned Ride

Games in the Car - the ever popular "hand slap" game never gets old.
Hand Slap Game

The best thing about a road trip? When you've made it back home....

Shared on Sweet Shot Tuesday
Sweet Shot Day


  1. The poodle photo really cracks me up.

  2. Great shots Shirley! Looks like a fun trip, but there is indeed no place like home.

    I think I gained FOUR pounds ogling those cheesecakes. Glad you all made it home safely!

  3. Wonderful adventure. Thanks for letting me ride along. :)

  4. Great shots. Love the rain one and the bicycle is just beautiful! Looks like you had a great time.

  5. I've really enjoyed you scenes from the road the last couple of weeks. That poodle is just too precious.
