Thursday, August 4, 2011

Lake Erie Sunrise

We had to wake up early this morning in order to hit the road again - another six hour drive in front of us. Leaving at 8am means waking up at 6:30. Not a big deal, really, but when you don't go to bed until close to midnight, that's not a lot of sleep.

Side Note - The kids don't care about lack of sleep when it comes to road trip time - they sleep in the car during the drive. But I feel it's my wifely duty to stay awake - to keep my hubby engaged in some sort of conversation (or mental telepathy). Because it really stinks when you are driving long distances and everyone else in the car is sound asleep. By staying awake, it's like I'm saying - I'm with you on this long trip, even though I don't have to maneuver through city traffic or road construction where the lanes become so skinny you can't fathom how you and the big truck in the next lane aren't rubbing side view mirrors.

But I digress....

OK, so I'm the first one up and I'm trying to get packed up in the darkness of the room. I take a peek out these ubiquitous room darkening shades (you know, the ones in every hotel room, with the big floral patterns) and see shades of light pink and gold illuminating the trees in the parking lot.

That means the sun is rising and I'm missing it. I say to myself - I need to finish packing up the bags and getting ready to load up the truck. It's just another sunrise, right?

Ten minutes later, I'm outside enjoying a wonderful morning along Lake Erie.
Lake Erie Sunrise


How many times can I capture the same life guard tower? Lots....
Sun Worshippers
The last two photos processed with Topaz Adjust.

Even with the diversion, I still managed to pack the bags in time. So glad I went out to catch "just another sunrise".


  1. Wow, that is just spectacular and worth the early wakeup for sure. I'm like you on those drives, compelled to do the wifely duty and stay awake for husband hehe.

  2. What a fabulous early morning gift! Great photos, surely worth the early morning duties!

  3. It looks absolutely dreamy! :-) I do just like you when we drive far with the car - it feels better. :-)

  4. Those are gorgeous sunrises. Nothing 'every day' about them.

  5. That last one? Spectacular!

  6. You don't drive, Shirley? On long road trips, we share the driving. There is really no such thing as "just another sun rise" and we get to enjoy your knowing that! Beautiful captures.

    [You may want to check this out:]
