Friday, July 22, 2011

The Boys at Camp

It's the hottest week of the year - really, the longest, hottest stretch we've experienced since moving here nine years ago (wow, has it really been that long?). When we lived in Southern Indiana, it wasn't too uncommon to have these really hot, humid days for extended periods - living by the Ohio River in a valley, you get used to that.

Of course, it would be the week we send our son and his gaggle friends (aka, "The Posse") to camp where there's no air conditioning.

We dropped them off on Sunday afternoon and we were pleasantly surprised when we walked into their cabin - it felt nice and cool. Brian claimed his bed, taking the top bunk and immediately started to set up his "personal fan".
Setting Up on the Upper Bunk

The rest of his friends started to arrive and with their animated behavior, we knew they would have a great time, in spite of the heat.
Checking Out the Top Bunk

Sily Face

We asked the boys to pose in front of their cabin. Since I wasn't the only mom with a camera, they only rolled their eyes once - and they gave us this pose:
Face Which Way?

Then a more appropriate pose:
7 out of 10

We picked them up Thursday afternoon and they were all sweaty, dusty, and a bit worn out, but I gather from the conversation on the way home, they had a great time. They spent lots of time swimming, playing in the water, fishing, hiking through the woods and hanging out in the cabin (aka "social hour" that my son really enjoys).

Their clothes, on the other hand..... whew! Washed several times - the combination of lake water, high humidity and hot temperatures results in a not so pleasant smell. Thank goodness for Oxi-clean!

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli


  1. Yeah, I've smelled laundry like that. :) Eww! it looks like a fun week at camp, though!

  2. Sounds like he had a great time. What an awesome experience. I hope my boy can go to camps like that one day!!

  3. So cute! Glad they had a good time!
