Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Try to Stay Cool

I left the perfect weather in the Boston area only to be confronted by steamy, sauna-like heat of the Midwest. It's so hot and humid here that I'm running the A/C in my car even during my morning commute to work. The heat isn't expected to break until Friday, and until then, we're melting with heat indices topping 100 degF.

So I'm try to "think cool" with some pictures of my favorite ice cream shop in Cambridge - Toscanini's.

Old Favorite Toscanini's ice cream store

Serving up the Sweet Stuff

Tosci's Ice Cream
Espresso Chip and Butter Almond, taken with my iPhone

Hand made ice cream, produced right next door, so you know it's fresh. It's the best way to stay cool during the heat.

If you are ever visiting Cambridge, MA, be sure to stop by Toscanini's Ice Cream for a sweet treat.

Linked to Wordful Wednesday - I'd been meaning to link up before now, but May was so crazy and I never had the chance to post on Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. I recognized the shoppe immediately. Great ice cream. Keep cool. Eating ice cream for lunch helps :)
