Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Texture Tuesday - Baby David

I took over 80 pictures of baby David, the 3 week old newborn son of one of my friends and co-worker, Nancy.

The bad thing? That was over 3 weeks ago, and I've barely started editing his pictures. Surely he's changed so much in that time - they grow up so fast.

I'm not all that experienced when it comes to shooting people, especially babies, so when I have access to one, I can't resist (And who can't resist holding a squishy newborn in their arms).

Since I'm posting this for Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday, I thought I'd post the SOOC version:
Baby David, SOOC

And then the lightly textured version:
Sleeping David
I'm not quite sure about the color of his skin (maybe looks a little gray), although I removed the texture from his face. I used a very simple texture, Kim's Love Texture, in the soft light blending mode.

So I have lots of work to do with all these pictures. I'm hoping to get them completed this weekend, so wish me luck!

And be sure to head over to Kim's for Texture Tuesday.


  1. What a charmer little David is. Good luck with your photo editing!

  2. I love MCP actions for portrait editing. I have the Bag of Tricks. It would be beautiful with this little boy.
