Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Win in the Wind and Rain

There's at least one game each soccer season that takes place under less than ideal conditions. Last October, it was the game where the girls played in the cold and wind.

I hope today was the inclement weather game for this spring. Not only did we have cold and wind, but rain, too. Driving to the field at 8:00 this morning, with the rain pelting the car, I just "knew" we would arrive to find the games cancelled. Nope - Game On!

One small problem - our team was short players. Not an unusual problem, as our opponent was short, too. I guess many of the players decided to stay at home because the weather was so bad . Really, the prospect of running around in the cold, wind and rain at 8 am on a Saturday is not very appealing to anyone, especially the teenage female set. I admit that if I wasn't at this game, I wouldn't be out taking my normal Saturday run.

So we played the game with 8 players per team, short 3 players. The lack of players meant Erica played forward for the entire game - a great opportunity for her. She ended up scoring during the first half - her first goal of the season. We were so excited for her.

The team was down 2-1 at the half, and in the second half, they managed to score twice to win the game. Their team is used to leading the entire game, so coming from behind to win is a bit of a mental accomplishment.

Looking Up the Field Soccer

Half Time Huddle arsenal soccer

Coming off the field with the win:
Come Away With the Win soccer

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful series of photos.
    Are you loving your macro lens.
