Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Piano - An Epilogue

About two months ago, I chronicled our last days with the Family Piano.

I am happy to report that it safely weathered the journey down south to my sister's house in North Carolina, and it looks great in their house. In fact, it looks so much better there than it did in our house.

My sister, Teresa, reads my blog, and picked up on my "complaint" that she hadn't sent pictures of the piano in her home. They painted the room this weekend and she sent the picture yesterday.
Settled In

The room previously served as their formal dining room. Since they have a huge "Morning Room" off their kitchen (seriously, the dining area there seats 8-10 people comfortably), they've converted it to the music room.

Familiar Yet Different

Teresa considered waiting until the window treatments were installed before taking the picture, but I'm glad she didn't. In fact, I hope she went light on the window treatments because the light in this room is fabulous. Note directed to my sister - take some pictures of my cute nephews in this room, facing the windows - they will turn out beautifully!


  1. It's beautiful! It's nice that it found a new home in the family!

  2. Nice!! And I have that red piano book!!
