Friday, April 1, 2011

Ladies Night Out

Friend Jill invited a bunch of us out for dinner and a movie. Most of us indicated we would only go out for dinner, as the movie “was past our bedtimes”. Yeah, aren’t we a rowdy group!

It’s always a fun time, especially when we start to order drinks – you can always tell who is going to order something “special” or out of the ordinary. At least this is the case for me – for some reason, I feel more adventurous with my girlfriends.

Kim ordered a trio of little martinis:
A Trio

I ordered a standard martini – no sweet stuff here [My friend Anthony would be proud]:
The Real McCoy

Heather ordered a beautiful Blueberry Martini:
Blue Beauty

We had so much fun at dinner chit-chatting; even the group who tentatively planned to catch the movie didn’t want to leave.
A Good Laugh


  1. What a fun - and colourful - evening! Love the shots, Shirley :)
