Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Free Night

You wouldn't know it, but we've been under a Tornado for most of the evening. All the rain we've had over the last two days has resulted in the cancellation of both ball games tonight.

So instead of being double booked, I am enjoying an free evening.

What to do? Take photos, of course. Because even though we are under said tornado watch, the sun is shining. It's a really windy, though, which makes for challenging picture taking with the macro lens.

But I'm not looking for ultra fine detail tonight. Just something to lift my spirits.

The Red Japanese Maple in my neighbor's yard, blowing in the wind:
Red Flags

The cluster that is waiting for the rest of the flowers on the viburnum bush to fade before making its debut:
Late Bloomer

Here's "bokeh Shirley" (and our dirty glass door) -

I need to go now and coerce the boy to take a shower. Maybe I'll have time to catch part of tonight's episode of Glee on the DVR. Or maybe I'll go to bed early.

Here's to unexpected free time.


  1. I love the view through your lens.

    So glad your stopped . Have a wonderful evening.

    The flowers on my blog are in Hawaii so they are tropical. We have them here in a butterfly house the is very humid. When it opens up I will look at the name. The grow really small in the butterfly house and these were tiny too and evey place.

  2. Gorgeous images. My fav is #1! Love the colors and the bokeh.

  3. I like your bokeh too. New to your blog. You have a great eye. Now a question: I see you are using a D70 and a D300. Which do you find yourself using more? Have you considered getting a D700? (if price were no object). :)

  4. Well, truthfully, I haven't used my D70 since I bought the D300, about 18 months ago. I lent the D70 to a friend to use.
    I would love to have a D700. I just can't justify the $ to spend on this already expensive hobby. Maybe when the D800 comes out, I'll be able to snag a used D700 at a good price!
