Thursday, March 3, 2011

Team Up Thursday - Time

“You may delay, but time will not.” Benjamin Franklin

For this week's Team Up Thursday, Lee Curie and I paired up two images representing the Time that waits for no one.

Team Up Thursday - Time

The time two brothers spent together helping each other - so cool. And a small sampling of my husband's extensive watch collection. Somehow, we managed to get the orange tones similar in our separate captures. [orange is a favorite color around here - with Scott hailing from the Syracuse area and the local Illini]

What did you team up with today? Remember, time waits for no one.

On Thursday, Lee Curie and I create a diptych based on a theme. You can view the other great diptychs at the Team Up Thursday Flickr group.


  1. I love the theme and just the idea that you pair up 2 images taken by two people around the same them! Love this!

  2. The concentration on the faces of the two boys is really well captured

  3. Those two images go together so well! Nicley done.

  4. a wonderful diptych! must be a 'guy thing', my husband has a watch collection as well...sometimes i think he puts more thought into which watch he's going to wear than he does picking out his clothes :)
