Thursday, February 10, 2011

Team Up Thursday - Signs

This week's "signs" are quite subtle -

Team Up Thursday - Signs

A sleepyhead in the morning and frost on the window. What does it all mean?

Lee writes: Caden snuck into my bed at some point during the night. This is usually a sign that he is coming down with something or he needs to talk. This particular morning my little boy simply wanted a bit of mama time. Thank goodness it wasn't followed up with a cold!

Thank goodness, indeed!

My sign - frost on the inside of the windows definitely signals that it is cold as the dickens outside. When I took the picture, it was 0 degF or -18 degC.
That was on Monday and it hasn't warmed up much since.
But I took away a "good sign" from the picture - it's no longer dark when I get downstairs to the kitchen at 6:45. The days are getting longer, so warmer days will be here soon.

What signs do you see outside your window today? I hope they are positive ones.

On Thursday, Lee Curie and I create a diptych based on a theme. You can view the other great diptychs at the Team Up Thursday Flickr group.


  1. OH goodness. I don't know how I'd do it if it were that cold here. I guess you get used to it, but boy yucko. We've had colder then normal temps here but it's warming up to 70s this week.

    Thanks for playing with us!
