Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Piano

We said goodbye to the grand piano today, its departure leaving a gaping, empty space in the former "Piano Room". But it's staying in the family, going to my sister's place in North Carolina, where it will be played more frequently than in our home.

Still, its presence will be missed, at least by me. I spent some time yesterday playing some old familiar pieces.

Favorite Beethoven Sonata


And who can forget the beginner book my youngest sister used when she was 5 years old. Yes, it's ragged and worn, but we still have it (and it's on its way to North Carolina with the rest of the music).

Beginner Book

Finally, a piano quote I found on the internet:
“One man gets nothing but discord out of a piano; another gets harmony. No one claims the piano is at fault. Life is about the same. The discord is there, and the harmony is there. Study to play it correctly, and it will give forth the beauty; play it falsely, and it will give forth the ugliness. Life is not at fault.”

I hope my sister's boys find the harmony in the piano.


  1. Lovely photos and a gorgeous piano. I remember having to give away my piano when I was a teenager, I didn't really use it enough but was still sad to see it go. I ended up giving it to a family who had a 9 year old who was just starting to learn to play so I hope it got more use at their home than at mine!

    Now, my husband and I were looking for a piano last year... but we ended up just getting an electronic one, because we move so often it would be a pain to have a real one. Made me a little sad though.

  2. Beautiful images. I have always wanted to learn how to play the day :)
