Tuesday, February 1, 2011

For Today - February 1, 2011


Outside my window… the storm of the winter is bearing down on us. Yesterday, about an inch of ice accumulated on the streets. Today, ice pellets and snow are whipping through the air. You can’t go outside without being hurt by the ice hitting your exposed skin. So we are staying inside and praying the power doesn’t go out!
I am thinking… when is Spring due? Not soon enough!
I am thankful for… my warm house.
From the kitchen… I made The Pioneer Woman’s Burgundy Mushroom sauce to serve with grilled flank steak for dinner. It was delish.
I am wearing… sweat pants and a seafoam green sweater. It’s a snow day, afterall!
I am creating … a Blurb Book that covers our trip to Italy.
I am going… to make some cake after I finish this blog post. Something about hunkering down in the midst of a storm that makes every one crave baked goods.
I am reading… A Most Uncommon Degree of Popularity by Kathleen Gilles Seidel, an interesting book about a group of middle school girls and their mothers. 
I am hoping… Our power stays on through all this wind and sleet
I am hearing… the “soundtrack” from the SIMS3 computer game. Erica is playing it on the computer. It’s like the music they play when you get put on hold.
Around the house… Snow boots, jackets, hats, gloves and scarves litter the floor, a reminder of the sledding and playing in the blizzard the kids did today.
One of my favorite things… hot tea and blueberry muffins – this morning’s breakfast.
A few plans for the rest of the week… Another snow day tomorrow, which means we get to dig out from “Stormagedon”. Maybe things will return back to normal on Thursday.

And a picture to share:
Up in the Cabinet
It's Sam, in his new "spot" in the computer cabinet. We set up a nice cushy blanket for him to feel comfortable as he checks out the family room, dining room and foyer. It's the perfect vantage point for a Siamese.

I hope you are staying warm and off the streets during the current blizzard.


  1. Great spot for Sam, looks nice and cozy!

    Stay safe and warm! This winter has long over stayed it's welcome! ;-)

  2. Hi Shirley, thanks for the sweet word on my blog. Sounds you know some Chinese phases. I hope you also enjoyed Chinese New Year. Know that you've other blog about family and wondering Sam, I'd like to stop by. Pictures under your lens are stunning.
