Thursday, January 6, 2011

Team Up Thursday - New

The promise of a New Year - New opportunities, New resolutions, New outlooks.
What does "New" look like?

For Lee, it's the beauty of a sunrise in the New Year.
For our family, it's a new piece of exercise equipment to help work off those extra pounds from the holidays.

Team Up Thursday - New

You can check out the other "New" Team Up Thursday diptychs in the flickr pool.
And if you want to participate, grab a partner and join in!

On Thursdays, I team up with my friend, Lee for Team-Up Thursdays, a creative venture started by Melody and Megan. Each week, one of us picks a theme, we each take a picture and combine the two into a diptych.


  1. Ah, good for you! That's on my list, too, to get back into exercising. I really miss it and the energy it gives me. Great dip, team. Very inspiring.

  2. I like the perspective you took your shot from. The sunrise is beautiful.

  3. definitely a perfect combo. now if only you could run while watching that beautiful sunrise....
