Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 10-19, 2011

It’s already the third week of January, the snow is falling (yet again) and tomorrow the temperatures will drop below zero. Welcome to winter on the prairie. Even the birds have to deal with the snow and ice.

Across the Snow
Taken outside the orthodontist office on Monday, January 10th – Brian had a retainer check up (he needs to wear it more, so we’ll have to monitor that a little more).

Later that evening, Sammy got up high above the refrigerator in the kitchen. He and Hannah were playing a bit of “tag”:
Looking Down

Up High

Fast forward a couple of days, and we’ve got 6” of fresh snow on the ground, and Scott bought these from the store:
It's a Throwback
Just what the kids need – caffeine and real sugar!

That night, I made some crepes for Erica:
Poured Out

On Friday, I hosted book club at the house. What a busy day! So busy that I didn’t take pictures, but my friend, Kellie (who is doing her own Project 365 this year) did:

I made rum cake (of course) and we discussed The Happiness Project (my selection).
Leftover Rum Cake

On Saturday, January 15, I took Erica to the mall – she needed new jeans [the ones she bought in the fall are “too cold” – that’s because they have holes in them – that’s why buying jeans with holes in them is really not the best idea…..].

Apparently, Aeropostale has been surpassed by the America Eagle store:
Scenes from the Mall

And later, Sammy decided to snuggle on her lap.

There’s no shortage of cat games tonight:
Took the Bait

On Sunday, I decided to take my own advice concerning finding photographic inspiration during the winter months and bought a bouquet of tulips to photograph.
Bouquet 2

And instead of wasting time playing Angry Birds (seriously, I need a 12 step addiction program), I wasted time photographing stemware:

I promised Erica I would hang her new window blinds today. Out come the power tools – the Makita drill set I bought Scott for Christmas in 2009.
Messing with the Power Tools

It’s a great drill (not too big) so I quickly completed this project.

Monday morning, Martin Luther King Jr. day, and the kids have the day off. I guess I have the “morning off” too, as I don’t have to drag the kids out of bed and drive them to school. Instead, I leisurely prepared for the day and played around with my iPhone camera and the Hipstamatic app:

Tuesday – kids are back to school. I have violin lessons in the afternoon – starting the 2nd movement of the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto – very pretty. Later that night, Brian and I sweat things out at Cage Fitness Class.

Wednesday morning and I’m still taking photos of the tulips.
Open Blooms

The kids persuaded me to get them sandwiches from Panera on Wednesday night. Wow, the Christmas lights are still up in the Olde Farm Shops.
Christmas Lights in January

But I have to admit, they are kind of festive….

1 comment:

  1. We've been getting one snow storm after the other, with some ice thrown in just to keep us on our toes(or our bums if we're not careful!) Our Oliver loves to go for the 'high ground' too. Sammy has quite a startled look in the second picture hehe. You have the right idea with the flowers! How did you enjoy 'the Happiness Project'. I loved it!
