Saturday, January 29, 2011

Friendship and Honors

I love the friendships I've cultivated through this and my photography blog. And when one of those friends honors me with a blog award, I'm even more grateful for relationships and inspiration found through this medium.

I've known Lee for several years now, and we've met in real life (and will get together later this year - so excited about that!). She's awarded me the Stylish Blogger Award. How cool is that! Backtracking through the other award recipients, I've been linked to some great new blogs - another bonus to the award.

For this award, I am to tell 8 things about myself and then pass the award on to 8 more people.

8 more things about me -
  1. I have to sleep with eye shades and ear plugs. And I still wake up when the toilet starts to fill randomly at night.
  2. I sing in the car every day on my way to and from work.
  3. I love to run in cold weather. Today, it was 32degF and I thought it was perfect. Any temperature between 30 and 50 is ideal.
  4. My family calls me the "kitchen nazi" because I am a control freak in the kitchen.
  5. I'm currently learning to use Lightroom to process my pictures. So far, I'm liking the process.
  6. We've lived in our current house for 8+ years - that's the longest time we've stayed in one place. And we don't expect to move for many years.
  7. I don't watch a lot of TV. When I graduated from college and moved into my first apartment, I didn't have a TV for over a year. Now with the internet, I would cancel our satellite TV service (but the other members of the family would certainly balk!).
  8. As much as I don't need TV, I need my internet! I think the longest time I was unplugged was 3 days. Big time withdrawal!

Now, this is the part of these awards that I always find so hard - passing on to 8 more people (like I know that many!).

OK, I'm stopping at 6 blogs..... but they are all great, so check them out!


  1. Thank you so much Shirley! I happily accept and I will pass it on . . .

  2. Aw Shirley, thank you so much...I shall try to pass it on. Those these days, it seems fewer of my "reg" bloggers are blogging. What's up with that?

  3. Oh aren't you sweet! I certainly accept and shall pass it on in my next post.

  4. Thank you so very much Shirley! I'm playing a bit of catch up and this just made my day! ;) You are such a sweetie!

  5. Thank you so much, I am honored to have your list! Hoping to get it passed on in my next post!
