Friday, November 26, 2010

The Day After Thanksgiving

Tradition - to pick out our tree the day after Thanksgiving. We started this tradition eight years ago, being new to the area, just having moved into the house. So this will be the ninth time getting our tree. We go to the same tree nursery, and on the ride back home, we stress about that tree tied to the roof of the truck, fearful that it will come off. Because it nearly did eight years ago and we haven't forgotten about it - seeing the tree out the side view mirror of the truck, something one should never see.

I think the tree place changed their policies around securing the tree to the roof of vehicles, because in the past, they had always helped with the rope and the weaving of that rope through the tree trunk and branches. Not this year - they give you some twine and you are on your own. They must have had other customers experience what happened to us, eight years ago - and maybe even lost the tree to the pavement. I shudder to think about that!

But enough about tying the tree to the car - here we are with this year's tree:
Our Traditional Tree Search

And the start of the decorating:
The Mini Tree

Trim The Tree

We were so lucky to have a beautiful, sunny day today, after yesterday's rain, sleet and sprinkling of snow. But a bit on the cold side, so we only got the indoor decorations up. And unpacked some of our favorite holiday friends:
The Entire Rudolph Gang

We finished up the day with a trip to the movies to catch the latest Harry Potter movie. A great post-Thanksgiving day.

1 comment:

  1. hehe we've had many a drive home like that. Matt is really anal about tying it well. Seriously the tree is not moving but he has this fear it will go flying off the back. He's got more knots than a sailor on that thing. Love the pictures of the decorating!
