Thursday, November 4, 2010

306/365 - Arriving in Vegas

We left the cold and windy mid-west this evening for a weekend in warm, sunny Las Vegas - a total of five couples, celebrating our friend's upcoming 40th birthday!

Scott and I have never been to Vegas and what better way to enjoy it than with some good friends - Buck and Jill, Amy and Dan, Lisa and Jeff, and Jen and Bill.

With the exception of Jen and Bill (Jill's sister and brother in law from Minnesota), we all took the same flight out and were able to travel via limo from the airport to the Aria Hotel in City Center.

The Money Collector
Dan, Jill and Buck
A Stretch Limo - big enough for all eight of us. And Buck is already counting out the cash (really, he's just collecting money to pay for the limo ride)

Jill's the one turning 40 later on this month. Sorry about the blurry photo - it's hard to take a clean one without a flash.
Buck and Jill

Even though it is 11pm (that's 1am Central time - WAY past our bedtimes!), we went out for a late night snack at the Todd English pub, where we met up with Jen and Bill.


Amy and Jill

Scott ordered Ninja Snacks, a decadent crispy won ton fill with Nutella and sliced banana. Totally yummy.

I'd like to say that after our snack, we all felt energized enough to hit the Strip and paint the town red, maybe even pull an all-nighter, but we're over 40 and therefor need our sleep in order to function properly. So we all hit the sack.

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