Monday, October 18, 2010


During my Saturday morning run, I ran by the retention ponds in the 'hood and the temperatures were cold enough to cause a mist on the water. Beautiful! But I didn't have enough time to run back home and grab my camera - I had an 8:30 soccer game to get to. I thought I could go back Sunday morning.

But as soon as I stepped outside Sunday morning, I knew there would be no mist on the water - it wasn't cold enough. I walked out to the ponds and sure enough, just water. But instead, I watched the sun come up.

Sunday Morning

One of my favorite Norah Jones Songs:
Sunrise, sunrise
Looks like mornin' in your eyes
But the clocks held 9:15 for hours
Sunrise, sunrise
Couldn't tempt us if it tried
'Cause the afternoon's already come and gone

I guess seeing the sunrise was a nice alternative to mist on the water.


  1. What a fabulous booby prize! Wonderful capture... we'll see the mist another day!

  2. What a nice way to start the day - beautiful sunrise!
    Viele Gruesse, Kristina

  3. Beautiful! What a great way to start the day.
    How much are you running?
