Saturday, October 9, 2010

SOOC Saturday - Red Seating

Our neighbor's new patio is now newly adorned with beautiful red and brown furniture. Looks very comfy!

Patio Seating

Our Siamese cat, Sam, has been hanging out on the new patio, like he owns the place! Fortunately, we have very cool neighbors.

It's an unseasonably warm 85DegF today! Looks like we'll be spending time outside while we still can.

Today's capture is SOOC (straight out of the camera - well, after a conversion from RAW to .jpg). I hope you enjoy your Saturday, regardless of the weather outside.


  1. Oh my, your neighbours have a gorgeous seating. And your wee beast has good taste!

  2. This photo let me smile, you must have very nice neighbors, looks like one can relax very good in these furnitures.
