Sunday, October 17, 2010

288/365 - The Family Picture for 2010

Long story short, here is the 2010 installment of the family photo.

This Is the One

Taken in the backyard, with the remote shutter release.
Of course, the entire event was fraught with the usual drama and silliness as the kids had to check each picture as it was taken. We really gave our neighbors some comic relief with our shenanigans.
Some of the outtakes:
Brian Goofing Off

Looking at the Cats

And then we added in an extra dynamic - pictures with the cats:
Outtake 2

This is as good as it gets with three cats who don't really like each other:
As Good as it Gets with Three Cats

Because soon after, one of them always gets away:
Losing Control


  1. These are AWESOME! LOVE the one's with the cats. Your kitties are MUCH more cooperative than ours. lol What a fun photo shoot!

  2. Wow I can't help but think that in a year or two Brian's going to be taller than you!

    Great pictures. I love the one with the cats :)
