Sunday, September 5, 2010

246/365 - End of Softball Cookout

Buck and Jill hosted an end of the softball season / Labor Day cookout. The Medicine Balls Softball Team ended up with a 7 and 7 season, worthy of a fun gathering. As usual, there was plenty of great food, great friends, lots of kids (big and small), games, running around and general fun.

The kids played badminton, volleyball before the "big kids" joined in.
Waiting for the Ball

Things degraded to a game of "Keep Away". That's big kid Dan (and the Medicine Ball's top hitter) winning. This started the Dodge Ball games, held in the front of the house so the Moms couldn't watch their kids and husbands get pummeled.

Playing Keep Away

A most fun way to end the summer season.

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