Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Weekend - Days 224-225/365 - Around the House

Our first weekend home in over 3 weeks. And 4 weeks ago, I was frantically getting ready for our trip to Italy. [Note - I am still working through the pictures from that trip! I think I am half way through. I will finish them soon - I promise!]

As a result of the hot, hot, hot weather, and our lack of attention to the landscaping, the weeds have now grown to over two feet tall and I am sure the neighbors are all wondering if we will ever do any yard work.

It's just been too hot!

Fortunately, last night, a big rain storm came through. And it was cloudy this morning, which kept some of the oppressive heat at bay. It was still humid, but since I was already dripping wet after my morning run, it really didn't matter. I started clearing away the massive amounts of weeds by the pond, in the front and on the side of the house. I ended up cutting most of the squash plant down, too.

10.08.15 - Weeds Be Gone!

The weeds came up nicely because of last night's rain. Otherwise, I think Scott would have just taken the weed whacker to it. Of course, now we have three big piles of weeds on the patio. Time to get some landscaping waste bags.

After weeding, I took Erica shopping at the Outlet Mall. I managed to buy a pair of jeans, a cute scarf and a cool new kitchen tool - a Microplane!

10.08.16 - New Kitchen Tool
I used it to grate fresh ginger and it totally rocks! I don't know why I waited so long to purchase one.

And for dinner, Brian helped set the table, and when I instructed him to "fold the napkins", he decided to fold all of them into origami fortune tellers:

10.08.14 - Place Settings
They looked really cool on the table.

We cleaned, we ate, we watched TV the rest of the weekend. I went grocery shopping. We enjoyed our weekend at home.

(Did I mention it was hot? Waiting for cooler weather so I can wear my new scarf - please come quickly!)

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