Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Don't Request a Diet Coke at Lunch

Modena - the only place on earth where official Balsamic Vinegar is produced.
Also, the place where we made a little "faux pas" by requesting a Diet Coke with our elegant lunch of saffron tortellini with rustic tomato - ham sauce.

A simple question posed to our waiter, "Do you have Diet Coke?" elicited the response of "Oh My God, No!" (with Italian accent), complete with dejected body language. We all had a great laugh over it. And swore never to ask at a restaurant again.

Note - Diet Coke (or Coke Light) is perfectly acceptable at the Italian "snack cafes", where you can get a quick slice of pizza, panini sandwich or calzone. Just not at a "proper" restaurant.

I guess a Diet Coke wouldn't have complimented the delicious tortellini:
The Best Tortellini

Instead, we drank a smooth beer. Simply the best beer I have ever consumed. Really.
Home Brew
But then we found out the beer was a Home Brew, not this Serpico Brand. Darn.

We did find Diet Coke after lunch. Our friend, Dave, really wanted one. He enjoyed every drop of it.

We found the Diet Coke by the Modena Duomo:
The Modena Duomo

So now you know - where to get your Diet Coke fix when in the city of Modena.


  1. I just laughed out loud as I could hear him say that...accent and all. How funny. Thanks for the tip. ;)

  2. So very funny! I would LOVE to go to Italy! Your photos are all SO gorgeous... and the food... YUM!
