Sunday, August 8, 2010

August 1 - 7 Summary (Days 211 - 217)

Scott and I returned home on Sunday, August 1, arriving into the hot and sticky O'Hare airport. When we pulled into the driveway, we could tell it had been hot and dry while we were away - the lack of green grass was the giveaway. Hey, at least there's less to mow.

Erica and Brian were glad to see us. Really!
10.08.01 - Home Entertainment

We unpacked, distributed gifts and started laundry. We had only one "fatality" in our luggage - the cute divided dish I purchased in Montepulciano. I'm planning to glue it back together. Everything else - the 3 bottles of wine, the bottle of balsamic vinegar, the cheese - all survived the trip (and customs!).

Scott and I collapsed into bed around 8pm, only to be wide awake at 5am [really, not too bad, considering I get up at 5am at least twice a week].

August 2 -
At work, my newly carpeted office, with newly arranged furniture was waiting for me:
10.08.02 - My Newly Arranged Office Awaits Me
Previously, the desk was close to the door, now it is next to the window. I moved out the week before we left for Italy in order for the carpet to be installed and as a result, purged several binders and files from the desk. Let's see how long I can keep it this clean!

August 3 -
Did I mention how hot and humid the weather has been? So humid that the windows were covered with condensation this morning. Yuck.
10.08.03 - Way Humid

August 4 -
Oops, no picture, but I registered the kids for school today. In the sweltering heat and humidity with no air conditioning. Still, I am thankful that Brian was assigned to the same 5th grade teacher Erica had, Ms. J, who I love.

August 5 -
Brian's last day of Sports Camp. We've been very happy with this camp - they use the beautiful facilities at the University and many of Brian's friends also attended. Brian swims every day, and started to fashion his swim gear into "swim dude":
10.08.05 - The Towel Guy

August 6 -
Another road trip! This weekend, to St. Louis, and Six Flags Amusement park, where our company picnic was held. We drove up late Friday night, passing through St. Louis. Fortunately, the traffic slowed down enough for me to snap this photo from the car on the highway.
10.08.06 - Passing through St. Louis

August 7 -
I don't take my big camera into the park anymore. Heck, I don't take anything I can't fit into a pocket. The park policies with loose articles have become so restrictive that I don't bother. I did take some pictures with my iPhone: The kids strapped in to ride "Mr. Freeze"

And even after a full, hot day of waiting in lines and rides, the kids were playing in the pool at 10pm:
10.08.07 - Late Night Pool Action

We drove back home on Sunday, starting the unpacking and laundry cycle all over again.

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