Friday, July 16, 2010

The View When Stopped in Traffic

Summertime, and the inevitable road construction.
What? No orange cones or road work signs? That's because they are off to the right, and I chose to look out to my left to take some pictures. Because I was completely stopped.

Along the Highway

What to Capture When Stuck in Traffic

I might have to take the local highway instead of the Interstate Highway tomorrow. Then again, I might get caught behind a big combine then....


  1. Add to list of "things to do while stuck in traffic - take pictures!"
    Nice images. The first one has a more natural look to it but the second one has a "dreamy" feel to it.

  2. I love it. After spending all day in traffic yesterday, I feel like I should have spent my time more constructievly!

  3. I wish we had traffic stoppages with such lovely opportunities. Alas, it would be concrete and more concrete. Thanks so much for sharing, Shirley!
