Saturday, July 17, 2010

196/365 - Sun Through the Clouds

I spent most of today running the kids around in the hot, humid weather - to Hobby Lobby, then to the Bed Bath and Beyond, then to the Hancock Fabrics, and Target.
Erica is on a room redecorating kick, spurned on by my request for her to clean out her closets. Out came all the kids' books, her American Girl Dolls and several big boxes of stuff I forgot existed. I still don't know how it all fit in her room, either.

After all this shopping, Erica had to do more at the mall with one of her friends. It was after I picked her up that we caught this spectacular view of the sun through the clouds.

10.07.17 - Sun in Clouds

Maybe this spell of hot, humid weather is on it's way out....

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