Thursday, June 17, 2010

Team Up Thursday - Summer Fun

With our hot, humid weather, I couldn't help but choose "Summer Fun" for this week's Team Up Thursday theme. Little did I know that up in Canada, Lee's "summer" was anything but hot and humid. But I think we pulled off the essence of "Summer Fun".

Team Up Thursday - Summer Fun

Hoping your summer has been fun so far, regardless of the outside temperature!

Every Thursday I team up with my friend, Lee. One of us picks a theme and we create a diptych.

You can view the other great diptychs at the Team Up Thursday Flickr group.


  1. Ohhhhhhhhh BOTH my favorite summer FUN! Great photos and dip!

  2. Great dip and perfect timing with my summer break starting today! The watermelon looks so cool and refreshing!

  3. Watermelon is a great sign of summer fun goes right along with playtime in the water. Cute combo. :)

  4. yep, i'm right there with lee and the lack of summer weather. but i adore these shots -- just quintessential summer moments, regardless of temperature!
