Wednesday, June 23, 2010

For Today - Wednesday, June 23

I love the simplicity of this meme. If you want to participate, you can visit The Simple Woman's Daybook.

Outside my window…sun and stifling heat and humidity.
I am thinking…about starting a Blurb Book.
I am thankful for…the great baseball season Brian’s team had, even though they lost their one and only game in the tournament final last night.
From the kitchen…we’ll eat leftovers tonight. With only two mouths at dinner tonight, nothing fancy is required.
I am wearing…khakis and a red polo shirt.
I am creating … a diptych for tomorrow’s Team Up Thursday blog post.
I am going…to spend time with the cats this evening since we were out yesterday.
I am reading… blogs, blogs and more blogs. I should be reading “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”, as it is the book club selection for this month.
I am hoping…tomorrow morning won’t be as humid.
I am hearing…Beethoven’s Romance in F Major for Violin. I am re-learning this piece, 25 years after I first played it.
Around the house…the cats are sizing each other up as Sammy settles in. Sammy gets the basement, Hannah and Rascal reign the upper floors when we aren’t around to supervise.
One of my favorite things…nice cool drinks to offset the heat. I’ve been enjoying the mango iced tea I made this weekend.
A few plans for the rest of the week…Brian and Scott are planning to go fishing on Thursday at Kickapoo, then we’ll go see “Toy Story 3” in the evening. Erica arrives back from her 5 day mission trip late Friday night.

A picture to share - Lavender at the Door, taken during my trip to London in late May. I found so many interesting doorways and threshholds there. Very different from what you see here.
Lavendar By the Front Door

1 comment:

  1. Isn't this a fun meme? I love doing it to look back on. I'm reading "The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo" now. It's quite good. And can I ask what is a Blurb Book? Oh can't remember if I answered your question, we didn't get over to Cambridge this trip unfortunately. Hopefully next time. I loved getting over there last visit and want to check out The Coop as it was closed by time we got there.
