Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 171 - Championship Game

After rain delays and wet fields, we finally arrived at the Farm League Championship game - our team vs the White Sox.

To add to the excitement, we played the "big field", a couple miles away from our normal field. That's because of the standing puddles of water in our normal field due to last night's torrential rains. Here, the backstop is further away from the batter's box, making the pitching / catching / stealing home dynamic very interesting.

A large crowd assembled to watch the game. By the end of the game, several neighbors and friends stopped by to watch.
Cheering On the Team

Our team started out ice cold, but hung within a couple of runs. Brian knew he had to score to keep things close:
Headed For Home Plate

Slide and Safe

Down by two runs at the bottom of the last inning, it was deja-vu from our last game - two big hits and gusty base running by Gracin and Conner. Gracin managed to score, but then we were stymied.

And thus we were handed our only loss of the season. I could tell the team was a little disappointed, but the other team played a great game, and I think the pressure of going undefeated got to the kids.
A Little Disappointed

But, with some pizza, games and prizes, they finished off the evening with a team celebration.

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