Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 151 - Saying Goodbye

I guess all visits must come to an end. I am glad I was able to take this trip with my sister to visit Michele, Andrew and Felix. We don't get to see each other all that often, and, as you know, those babies are only wee-little like this once and in a flash, they grow up.

The most beautiful, clear morning beckoned us up and we said our goodbyes before heading out to the airport. I still managed to take several dozen pictures! (Not that I'm going to post them all here. Heck, I'm it will take me another week to process them!)

Check out the Cute Outfit

Another Kiss from Auntie

Saying Goodbye

Our transatlantic flight back to the states was very uneventful and far more comfortable than the flight over. You would be surprised how a mere 6" of additional legroom can make a difference - it absolutely does (and I'm a small person).

Teresa and I parted at the Philly Airport, and I arrived back in Chicago in time for my shuttle bus back home. I walked into the house around 1am and found Brian fast asleep on the couch, as he had been waiting up for me. It's nice to be home.
[But I still miss my sisters and new nephew!]

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