Thursday, May 20, 2010

Team Up Thursday - Work

I knew this theme would result in an unusual diptych.
I know Lee's work is centered around home (and the computer). While I spend a lot of time at the computer, too, I specifically walked outside the office and to the Maintenance shop to capture some hands on activity. I found two maintenance guys putting together some pipe.

Team Up Thursday - Work

On Thursdays, I team up with my friend, Lee for Team-Up Thursdays, a creative venture started by Melody and Megan. Each week, one of us picks a theme, we each take a picture and combine the two into a diptych.

You can view the other great diptychs at the Team Up Thursday Flickr group.


  1. I love the theme you chose this week. So many different possiblities. I love that the two shots are completely different.

  2. love the perspectives in both of these. also so interesting that they seem to portray contrasting fields of work, with the office v. industrial -- very cool pair!

  3. I really like the perspective and the prominent gray color in both! Great job ladies!

  4. Great perspective. So vastly different but compliment nicely.

  5. I am really loving that the color combos are so similar but the fields of work so different. Great week!

  6. I love how both photos are "with the hands" and yet in totally different ways. Nice!

  7. I agree on this theme that there are so many different possiblities. Mine would probably look more like the top shot. I love how the level was shown in the shot on the bottom. for some reason, it adds a little more to the shot for me.
