Saturday, May 1, 2010

SOOC Saturday - My Running Future?

Today marks the 2nd running of the Illinois Marathon. Almost 15,000 participants took to the streets this morning, running a 5K, 1/2 Marathon or Full Marathon. Last year, I ran the 1/2 Marathon and it was a blast. I didn't participate this year, and with all the pre-race hype leading up today, somewhat regret it.

Instead, I ran a mere 7 miles today.
Running in Honor of the Illinois Marathon

And I am considering training for the Full Marathon in 2011. There - I said it. Because if I don't write it down, it won't happen. Now it actually might, even though the future is a little fuzzy.
My Running Future is Fuzzy

Today's pictures are SOOC, because who has time to edit after spending hours running around.....
Melody at Slurping Life hosts SOOC Saturday and talks about truth and dreams today. My dream - to run that marathon next year.


  1. Shirley I am impressed with your mere 7 miles and you should be too!

    I need to start running day when it permits.

    Nice images.

  2. WOW! I have never been able to run distance! Before I had my son (10 years ago), I ran 2-3 miles most days. It felt good, and I stayed in shape. More than that hurt, and I don't like to hurt myself. But my brother is a distance runner, and I admire you guys. Marathon next year? Go for it! Love the pics... and the way you used that last one so effectively!

  3. Seven miles !!!
    VEry very very impressive
    Love the pix

  4. A mere 7 miles? pshaw...I ran to my mailbox and back and called it a day:) Go for it! Pls take photos of your training so we can see what your training secret is. Who knows? You may inspire me to do it too:) I love the great photo essay...

  5. I wish I could just walk a mere 7 miles! You rock, and I know you'll do the marathon next year :) Great pics, as always!

  6. Running 7 miles is awesome! I've just started walking with a couple buddies (did 6 miles today.) I've never been able to run or job (bad ankles) but imagine how it would feel when I dream...sounds so awesome! Cool pic!!

  7. I would say you're more than up to the challenge!

    After finishing that 5k last weekend in the pouring rain, I've decided I need to get serious about it. I've always loved running, so I'll be in training right there with you. ;) (Hoping they don't up it to a 10k next year. lol)

    I love your pics (as always). Such a great way to document your goals!

  8. Yay, you!

    Something about your photos tell me this is going to happen. Best of luck!
