Thursday, April 22, 2010

Team Up Thursday - Mornings

I admit it - I have a "thing" for mornings. Maybe because I am a morning person - I enjoy the early morning quiet, watching the light make its way through the darkness. So I chose this week's theme of "Around the House in the Morning".

Team Up Thursday - One Morning

Lee's photo is on the left, mine is on the right. I think both capture the "quiet" of the mornings. I can tell Caden is really enjoying whatever is in that bowl, and I am getting ready for a hot cup of coffee.

On Thursdays, I team up with my friend, Lee for Team-Up Thursdays, a creative venture started by Melody and Megan. Each week, one of us picks a theme, we each take a picture and combine the two into a diptych.

You can view the other great diptychs at the Team Up Thursday Flickr group. And if you want to join in, contact Melody or Megan if you need a partner.

Happy Thursday!


  1. Those are nice morning photos, that is how cereal is eaten in my home, and coffee is a must for me. A morning person you are? Only if I were, I believe if I did a morning shot it would be of a grumpy tone,maybe not.

  2. What a great match up of images. I'm SO NOT a morning person. (It doesn't help that I can't get to bed on time any given night of the week) So very few morning shots around here. I love peaceful shots of coffee cups, but since I use a travel mug every morning (because it keeps coffee warmer longer - and I'm a klutz) it doesn't make for intriguing photography.

  3. what a fun theme. your diptych definately says "morning". Well done.

    have a great day.

  4. this pair really does convey the peace that is often so lacking in the rush of mornings. i especially love the detail of the steam rising from your coffee:).

  5. Both captures tell a story and work so well together. Both shots are a common sight around here.

  6. Oh yes, loving the steam from the coffee! Such a nice touch. And the child sipping cereal totally protrays morning to me! Nice job.

  7. What a great job! I love it. I missed it this week...

  8. Great shots! You and Lee are doing a spectacular job on these!
