Friday, February 12, 2010

February 12 on 12

This month I didn't forget and got my 12 pictures throughout the day.

Morning means preparation for school. Brian's class held their Valentine's party this afternoon, and I signed up to bring drinks.
Fridge in the Garage
No, I didn't bring beer! And lest you think we are bunch of boozers here, all of the beer is leftover from our Super Bowl Party. It will probably last until next year! (OK, it won't, but it will last a while). I took the sodas (again, leftovers from the Super Bowl Party) out of the fridge. And this is the fridge in the garage, which houses all of our drinks and "overflow food".

The water is in the kettle, heating up for my coffee:
Boiling Water
Hey, you can see a reflection of the window - and there's a bit of light starting to peak through the clouds.

I woke up with a sore throat, the sniffles and I can't stop sneezing. Time for pseudoephedrine and zyrtec.
Ward off the Cold

I went upstairs to roust Brian out of his bed.
Yes, he is in there.

And I took a picture of the outside pond from his window. Yes, that white stuff is still hanging around.
Wintry Pond View

We're at Brian's school now, and he's picking out his lunch selection card. Friday's are easy - it's pizza day.
School TGIF

On my drive to work, I got stuck behind a large farm tractor.
Tractor in the Snow
While not an unusual sight during harvest season, this is February! I've never run into large farm equipment in the winter. [then again, there's corn still standing in some of the fields this year]. Notice the frosty trees off to the right? Hoar frost. Beautiful.

At work, we have been planning a big plant shutdown and computer conversion. I decided to write the dates on the big calendar this morning. Then at 11:15, I was called to an "emergency meeting" at 11:30 to discuss the plant shutdown. Moved to September.
Changed Schedules

After lunch, I needed a little chocolate snack.
Afternoon Snack
Perfect while working on the computer!

After work, I took Erica to the stable for her horse riding lesson.
See You, Mom
Hey, she even waved to me!

After dinner, I drove Brian to church where he is spending the night in a "Lock In".
In Line That means he'll run around the indoor playground, drink soda and eat snacks. I doubt there will much "sleeping".

Because he'll be spinning around on the merry-go-round, hanging on for dear life:
Centrifugal Force

We spent the rest of the evening watching the opening ceremonies for the Winter Olympics. A great day.

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