Friday, February 19, 2010

49/365 - Lively Book Club Discussions

Kellie hosted our monthly book club meeting tonight and she ordered a red velvet cake, custom decorated in the image of the book's cover:

10.02.19 - Book Club Discussions

My Little Red Book, edited by Rachel Kauder Nalebuff, is a collection of short stories, revolving around the first periods from women around the world, of current and past generations. Many funny, some sad, some happy, stories all women can relate to, especially those with daughters.

And contrary to popular belief, we DO discuss the books during our meetings, and tonight's discussion proved to be most interesting, educational at times and quite "colorful". With the lively discussions, the time passed so quickly - we didn't leave until after midnight.

If you have a young daughter, the book is a must read and a great conversation prompt when your daughter starts to grow up.

1 comment:

  1. What a great book selection and love that cake. I belong to a book club at my local library but I must admit I don't make all the meetings. Some books I just can't get into so couldn't add anything to the discussion. Too many good books out there to waste time on one I don't like. Like your attitude about the 365 project. I'm looking at mine much the same with no stress to myself of finding that 'perfect' shot just the one I want to take away with me for the day. ~Jeanne
