Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Project 365-2010 Week 2

I found a great Project 365 resource to keep folks motivated with their daily picture taking. Even though this is my 2nd year of Project 365, I can always use a little inspiration and help to keep me going.

Case in point, yesterday afternoon, I wasn't so keen on taking my daily picture. Truthfully, I was in a grumpy moody, faced with the task of cooking dinner, coercing my kids to pick up their rooms, to finish their homework and whatever they had managed to put off all day [THEY had the day off to laze around - I did not!]. I really didn't want to take my picture.

But I forced myself to take another picture of the pretty gerbera daisies on the kitchen table. And guess what? That simply task of taking a picture of a beautiful flower perked me up. And I took a couple more pictures [because I needed another picture for my photography blog]. It felt good!

So, that Project 365 Resource - it's Jessica Turner at The Mom Creative, and every Tuesday she holds Project Life Tuesdays. Go check it out by clicking on the badge below:

So I'm supposed to showcase my week two photos here. Here's where I had some fun with a Mosaic Maker at Bug Huge Labs, which links up to my flickr account. It was really easy to create this mosaic of my Week 2 pictures:
Project 365-2010 Week 2
1. Balanced, 2. 10.01.11 - The Big Thaw, 3. 10.01.12 Mac-n-Cheese in Style, 4. After Chess Club, 5. 10.01.14 - Snow Fort, 6. 10.01.15 - Green Nails, 7. 10.01.16 - Path to Nowhere

Have a great Tuesday - I'll be back later with today's Project 365 picture!

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