Monday, January 11, 2010

Best Shot Monday - Quiet Snowfall

At one point last Thursday, those big, fluffy snowflakes started falling quietly from the sky. No wind, just an abundance of white stuff in the air. And really, not a sound in the air.

I hope I've captured some of that peacefulness here, the view from the back sliding glass door, looking at neighbor Kellie and Ian's house.
Quiet Snowfall

Go visit Tracey to see the other Best Shot Monday Entries


  1. This shot definitely has a peaceful feeling. How much did you eventually get?

  2. It certainly is very peaceful. You captured it perfectly.

  3. it does look peaceful. also...very cold :).

  4. so lovely! we've had a ton of snow here, but near blizzard conditions kept me from photographing it! your shot perfectly captures the quiet of a snowy day.

  5. Lovely photo, and it does seem quite and peaceful. I hope you can enjoy the day :)

  6. Wow! I don't know what else to say. It sure is peaceful and gorgeous!

  7. Don't you love how falling snow always makes everything look better! I't like putting a soft lens on. Beautiful photo.

  8. So beautiful and peaceful. You did capture that. How neat to be able to see that from your window (we have to drive about 4 hours to see snow)
