Friday, January 29, 2010

29/365 - Book Club Night

One Friday a month, we gather to share food and laughter, catching up with those little and big details of our lives, and discuss the month's book selection. Well, maybe our book discussions take back seat to the other discussions, but it gives us a concrete reason to get together [and I've managed to read most of the books].

This month's selection was a book I suggested - The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan. The book's stories remind me of my childhood, my relationship with my mother and sisters, and how we are all tied to the culture of our ancestors.

But, much like the discussions during our gatherings, the main purpose of this post isn't to discuss the book, but to focus on my lovely friends who make "Book Club Night".

Heather, here with Janice, who serves as our Leader:
Heather and Janice

Karen, tonight's gracious hostess:
Our Gracious Hostess

Talking Kellie

Lisa and Shelly:
Lisa and Shelly

Heather with Jill:

Janice, Pensive

I didn't get pictures of Amy or Jennifer - I'll have to get them next month (well, maybe not Jennifer - she's due to have baby number 3 in a couple weeks).

These ladies are the best and so much fun.

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