Monday, December 7, 2009

343/365 - This Year's Christmas Card

Card on Display
Our 2009 Card, on display on the Dining Room Table

Wow, that was fast - our yearly Christmas Cards arrived today from mpix. I ordered them late on Thursday after spending several days figuring out which pictures to use, what to write, etc, etc. As usual, they came out great.

The technical details - in Photoshop Elements, I create a 7x5 front .jpg file, a 7x5 back .jpg file and a 7x10 body .jpg file. mpix offers a 5x7 folded card press product, and I simply drag the .jpg files onto their blank card template and upload. The card is printed on all four sides, glossy on the outside, for a completely custom holiday greeting.

The actual jpg file used for the front of the card:
Christmas Greetings

Now, to get these cards signed, addressed and back out in the mail. Sometimes it seems like a never ending process!

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