Saturday, December 12, 2009

12 on December 12

As I am writing this on Monday, I am posting a little behind schedule, but better late than never (and since I took the pictures on the 12th, I will be pre-dating the post time - just a little trick in Blogger - your post will never seem "late" then!).

OK - back to Saturday, December 12th......

Saturday what a day what a silly little day
Time to kill take a pill as I sit and contemplate
How I'd like to be around all the people in the town with their fancy cars and things
But I've got time

Saturdays by Holly Brook

I wish I could sit and contemplate all Saturday long, but instead I start the day off with a picture of the morning sun streaming through the Living Room, aka Piano Room, aka Christmas Tree Room:
Morning Sun

It's a beautiful, yet chilly (24DegF) start to our Saturday. So I go out and run seven miles, with the last mile running against that northerly wind. Brrrr! But, at least it was sunny!
After a Brisk Run
[note - I took the picture after the run. I then thought about collapsing on the couch].

Still no time to collapse or contemplate - Scott was hard at work, filling the pond with buckets of water:
Bucket Brigade
And here's the reason why - with temperatures in the single digits on Thursday, and a non working pond de-icer, the pond froze over, reducing the amount of water available to recirculate through our pond pump. This starves the pump and causes it to cavitate. Yes, any plumber, mechanical or chemical engineer will tell you that is a bad thing for a pump. I purchased a new de-icer yesterday (that shiny blue circular thing), but the water level was still too low. Last night I transferred about 20 buckets full of water to the pond in order to stop the cavitation. Scott was adding more water for good measure.

Water flowing at the waterfall - a good sign.
Starting to Thaw

See, frozen solid in the middle of the pond.
Frozen on the Pond

Enough of the cold! Did you know today is National Hot Cocoa day? We decided to celebrate with a nice warm cup.
Hot Cocoa Day

While a droopy Hannah cuddled up on her favorite warm spot - on the couch blankets. I swear, all she does is sleep! [oh, and let us know she's hungry]

Then I spent the next two hours trying to figure out how to add a darn tweet / retweet button on my Behind the Lens Blog posts. Seriously frustrating! But I finally got it figured out (caution to those who have customized Blogger templates - sometimes you have to try and decipher the html code).
Retweet Button

Clouds and darkness reigned over the afternoon and the rains started, just in time for us to get ready for the annual company holiday party. Of course, I brought my camera.

Because, as a passenger of a car, you can take pictures of the street while waiting at the red light:
Waiting at the Light

And during the party, you can take a picture of the table's center piece:
Festive Centerpiece

Finally, you get to capture the band, "The Duelin' Hillbillies".
Duelin Hillbillies

Any band that has a violinist is OK in my book.

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