Monday, November 9, 2009

Best Shot Monday - Golden Fronds

From my neighbor's yard:
Spiky Fronds

I apologize for yesterday's misleading post about running, taking pictures, etc. I actually don't run with my camera (unless it is my daughter's little P&S or my iPhone). If I spot something interesting, I will go back later (usually in a car!) with my camera. It's a hit or miss process - many times the light changes and what I "saw" in my head is no longer present.

Check out the other Best Shot Monday entries at Tracey Clark's blog.


  1. Beautiful photo. The lighting is perfect.

  2. love the focus on that solitary stalk.

  3. Fantastic! I love the colors of Autumn and the subtle, but rich color changes.

  4. Lovely close up! I like the gentle blur around the edges and of the background all making the eye focus on those delicate wisps. Very nice.

  5. I am not sure what this is, maybe a weed but it sure looks beautiful in this shot. You can really see the light.
