Monday, November 2, 2009

Best Shot Monday - Afternoon Sun on the Prairie

I had to Cross post the picture I took on the way home from work. Because I love the picture, a result of pure luck (I pointed the camera behind me and clicked the shutter release).

Say what you want about the end of Daylight Savings Time. I love that (for now) I don't have to get up in the pitch dark. I love that I got an extra hour yesterday, that I promptly used by sleeping! I don't mind that darkness falls at 5:00.

I love that I got to see something different on my way to and from work.

What's different? Why, the light - an hour makes a big difference in the angle and quality of the light. This morning, with the sun higher in the sky, I experienced a light rain sun shower. The afternoon sun was lower as I drove home, and the clouds formed a magnificent curtain along the flat prairie.

Afternoon on the Prairie

I did "enhance" the clouds (a tiny bit) by using the Linear Burn blending mode at 40% opacity on a duplicate layer. The real view was truly spectacular.

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