Sunday, October 25, 2009

300/365 - Mummy Costume Help

Brian wants to be a Mummy this year, and insisted that I "make" him a Mummy costume. Note - I do not like to sew. I think this is a trait passed down from my mother, because she hates sewing, too. I remember growing up and attempting to use the sewing machine - the bobbin thread would break constantly.

I do own a sewing machine. In fact, I wanted one and for my 26th birthday, Scott bought me a very nice Singer machine. I used it several times to make blankets, quilts, pillows, some window treatments (straight stitching, you know). I thought I would grow to like it. But sewing takes time and patience, (I'm short on the patience side), so I now accept that I am just not a seamstress type of person.

OK, back to the Mummy Costume - I bought a white T shirt and an off-white flat sheet. We ripped the flat sheet into strips and I am now wrapping and "stitching" it to the T shirt. I'll do the same with some white pants. Note that I am "stitching" by using this great invention for us non-sewers - Stitch Witch. My friend and talented seamstress, Sara, gave me the Stitch Witch. Isn't she great?

Mummy Costume Help

So far, I am pleased with the results. Of course, I'll have to take a picture of the finished product - I have until Saturday night!

1 comment:

  1. Very cool! Looking forward to seeing the final pic!
