Tuesday, October 20, 2009

295/365 - Little Buggers

I am sure everyone in Central Illinois will appreciate my post about the swarms of Asian beetles that have emerged as a result of the warm weather. They are crawling everywhere!
My friend (and back door neighbor), Kellie, started renovations on their house today. I thought - great - they get to work in nice weather. But when the workers removed their sliding glass door, Kellie informed me that all those bugs migrated inside. She ended up Dust-Busting them up. (yuck)

So, here is my artsy rendering of one of the guys crawling up the window screen. Yes, it looks like a lady bug. But it is not.
Little Buggers

In un-related events, Brian stayed home from school today due to a slight fever, sore throat and headache. I think he's fine now.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Great picture though! =] I saw a few status lines about all the beetles. Hope it's under control.
